Wednesday 15 June 2011

Clen for weight loss. My story continues! Days 7-14

I'm going to fast track through the second week since it hasn't been to eventful. I will, however, post pics of my progress. I have lost about 2, maybe 2.5" from my waist line since the start of my cycle. I'm really happy with the results so far and I also hope that my dose plan keeps me from plateau'ing. I will post my measurements tomorrow. Until then... PICS!



  1. Heey girl, I was on Elitefitness and came across your thread and followed ur blog here. I just ordered my clen and it's coming in the mail in a week or so. I'm soo excited, I also struggled with my weight whole time. I'm not too overweight, but I just can't seem to lose weight on my own.

    So how is your progress going? Good results? please update me on anything. XD

  2. Hi Frences! Thanks for reading! Yeah, I'm seeing really great results. Doing it unconventionally tho :( But I've started to combine the clen with Clean Eating and I've just bought XBox 360 Kinect and I'm doing UFC training! lol. Keep reading and please come back and tell me about your experience!! :) Can't wait to hear all about it! Talk to you soon! XOX

    -SOULI aka Chubby Bunny

  3. Hey Souli. Finally just received my clen today! Soo excited. I took 40mg. I got the shakes and heart rate going up a little bit.

    Nice pics, you look so thinner. Yey. I will update you on how my cycle goes!! keep in touch wit me girl. I'm about ur size and weight, so. XD

    1. Hi Mimi! I'm sorry I hadn't replied to this message. I lost track of this blog ages ago but I'm back. Any results with your clen? I just got the liquid drops and will document a new cycle. Keep me updated. Let's lose weight together!!
